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Texas Court Records

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Brazos County Arrest Records

Arrests in Brazos County are a crucial aspect of the local criminal justice system, ensuring public safety and the enforcement of laws. Arrests become necessary when law enforcement officers have probable cause to believe that a person committed a criminal offense, ranging from a minor infraction to a felony. Probable cause may be established following direct observation, reliable reports from witnesses, or evidence collected during investigations.

In Brazos County, arrested individuals are held in the Brazos County Detention Center. This facility is equipped to house inmates before and after being charged as they await trial or serve short-term sentences. The Detention Center is managed by the Brazos County Sheriff's Office, which plays a significant role in maintaining security and overseeing the welfare of inmates.

Law enforcement departments are responsible for creating arrest records in Brazos County. These records include essential details such as the suspect's name, charge(s), arrest date and time, and other pertinent information.

Arrest records are closely linked to a broader spectrum of public records maintained by various criminal justice agencies. For example, once an arrested individual is charged, their case becomes part of the Brazos County court records. Court records provide a comprehensive view of the judicial process, including arraignments, hearings, trials, and sentencing. By accessing Brazos County court records, inquirers may trace the progression of a case from the initial arrest to its resolution in court.

Are Arrest Records Public in Brazos County?

Yes. Under the Texas Public Information Act, arrest records are publicly available in Brazos County. This means that any member of the public, including residents and citizens, can request and obtain these records. For instance, anyone can request arrest records of individuals charged with Class B misdemeanors or higher from the Texas Department of Safety.

However, Texas law provides exemptions to public access. Generally, governmental bodies must withhold information deemed confidential under constitutional, statutory, or judicial mandates. An example is a record restricted through expungement or an order of nondisclosure.

Laws that permit access to arrest records in Brazos County generally allow public access if a case concludes with a conviction or deferred adjudication. This means individuals can access arrest reports if a person has been found guilty of the offense. However, access rules pertaining to juvenile arrest records, cases with nondisclosure orders, and other confidential records may vary, requiring adherence to specific legal criteria.

What Do Public Arrest Records Contain?

Public arrest records in Brazos County provide non-confidential information about individuals arrested or charged with criminal offenses. The contents of these records may include:

Arrestee's Information

  • Personal Information: The arrestee's complete name and date of birth. Also noted are the arrestee's address at the time of arrest (if known), gender, and race/ethnicity.
  • Physical description: The arrestee's height, weight, eye color, hair color, and any distinguishing features such as tattoos or scars.

Arrest Details

  • Arrest Time Frame: The specific date and time of the arrest, as well as the location (city or county)
  • Agency Information: The name of the arresting agency (often the Brazos County Sheriff's Office or a local police department) and the name or badge number of the arresting law enforcement officer
  • Charge: The alleged offense or charge that led to the arrest
  • Booking Information: The suspect's booking photograph (mugshot), booking date, etc.

Court Details

  • Court Case Number: The unique identifier assigned to the criminal case in court records.
  • Arraignment Date: The arrested individual will be formally advised of the charges against them in court.
  • Bond Information: If applicable, details about the bail or bond amount set for release before trial.

Brazos County Crime Rate

The Texas Uniform Crime Reporting System reveals Brazos County crime statistics by offense, with varying trends between 2022 and 2023. Murder and Nonnegligent Homicide saw a slight increase from 3 cases in 2022 to 4 cases in 2023, marking a 33.33% rise. Manslaughter by Negligence remained unchanged, with 0 cases reported in both years. Rape cases showed a notable decrease, dropping from 129 incidents in 2022 to 78 in 2023, reflecting a significant decline of 39.53%.

Robbery remained stable, with 24 cases reported in both years, indicating no change in the incidence rate. Assault, including both Aggravated and Simple Assaults, saw a decrease from 1,809 cases in 2022 to 1,231 cases in 2023, marking a notable decline of 31.95%. Burglary cases also decreased from 414 to 264, indicating a decrease of 36.23%.

Similarly, Larceny-theft decreased from 2,924 in 2022 to 1,837 in 2023, reflecting a 37.18% decrease. Motor Vehicle Theft also showed a decline, with cases dropping from 335 in 2022 to 264 in 2023, representing a decline of 21.19%. Lastly, Human Trafficking cases decreased slightly from 4 cases in 2022 to 3 cases in 2023, showing a decrease of 25%.

Brazos County Arrest Statistics

According to the Texas Crime Report for 2022, Brazos County reported 378 arrests in 2022, marking a decrease from the 518 arrests reported in the previous year (2021 Texas Crime Report). Larceny, assault, and burglary were the most common offenses leading to arrests, accounting for 218, 70, and 44 arrests, respectively.

Find Brazos County Arrest Records

Individuals can utilize various methods to gain access to Brazos County arrest records. One popular repository is the Texas Department of Public Safety, which offers an online criminal history search tool. This tool allows users to look up arrest records using criteria such as an individual's name and date of birth. The system provides details of arrests and convictions within the state, including arrests reported by Brazos County law enforcement agencies.

Another valuable resource is the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ), which maintains an online inmate information search tool. Although primarily focused on inmates in state correctional facilities, this tool can also reveal certain criminal history information.

Local law enforcement, such as the Brazos County Sheriff's Office and local police departments, can also provide access to arrest records. These agencies often provide instructions and contact information for requesting records—and sometimes, online databases for searching public arrest records—on their websites.

At the federal level, the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) offers an inmate locator tool. Users can search for individuals incarcerated in federal prisons nationwide.

When using an online resource to look up arrest data, individuals will often require a name or number related to the person they are investigating. Where online access is limited or unavailable, one can contact the relevant agencies to request the record. The process may involve submitting a formal request in person, by mail, or by email using an online form.

Free Arrest Record Search in Brazos County

Members of the public have certain free resources available to them when researching arrest records in Brazos County, both from official and third-party resources.

Online Resources

The Brazos County Sheriff's Office maintains an online inmate roster, which lists information about current inmates and those recently arrested. This roster includes basic information such as names, booking dates, charges, and bond details. Additionally, Brazos County offers a Judicial Records Search tool that allows users to look up criminal case records by defendant name, case number, or other criteria. By searching the system, parties can obtain details about the court proceedings and final dispositions related to an arrest incident.

The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) also offers a Criminal History Name Search tool, which disseminates arrest records. While this service typically requires a fee for detailed information, some information is provided at no charge to the user.

Third-Party Resources

Third-party websites often serve as convenient resources for accessing public records, such as arrest records. These sites aggregate data from various official sources, offering users a centralized platform to research information across multiple jurisdictions. Typically, they have search functionalities where users can input parameters like names and locations to retrieve relevant records.

Although some third-party sites offer free basic searches, others may require users to pay for detailed information or access certain records. A website may also provide additional services like background checks, which include arrests and other criminal history data.

Get Brazos County Criminal Records

Criminal records detail an individual's criminal background. They include information such as a person's identifying details, arrests, misdemeanor and felony charges, court dates and case numbers, and trial outcomes, including convictions, acquittals, or dismissals.

To obtain criminal records in Brazos County, individuals generally need to follow these steps:

Identify the Custodian: The primary agencies maintaining criminal records within Brazos County are the Brazos County Sheriff's Office and the Brazos County Clerk's Office.

Visit the Agency: Individuals can visit the Brazos County Sheriff's Office or the Brazos County Clerk's Office in person to request criminal records. The address and contact information are as follows:

Brazos County Sheriff's Office
1700 West State Highway 21
Bryan, TX 77803
Brazos County Clerk's Office
300 East 26th Street
Suite 120
Bryan, TX 77803

Online Requests: Users in Brazos County can use the Judicial Records Search tool to find criminal case records. This tool provides extensive information on cases brought to the court system, whether via a defendant's arrest or other method.

Fill Out Request Forms: Users can also complete a request form and submit it to a custodian's office. Some offices provide these forms on their websites. An example is the Public Information Request Form provided by the District Court Clerk's Office to request civil and criminal record searches and copies from the district and county courts.

Pay Fees: Obtaining criminal records may involve fees, which vary depending on the type of record and the number of copies requested.

Submit Request: Submit the request form and any required fees to the custodian. Depending on the agency, this can often be done in person, by mail, or online.

Brazos County Arrest Records Vs. Criminal Records

Arrest and criminal records serve different purposes in Brazos County. Arrest records show that someone was arrested by the police, including when and where it happened, why the arrest occurred, and who was arrested. However, an arrest record does not prove someone did something wrong; it only documents the arrest incident.

Criminal records, in contrast, are more detailed. They present a broader picture of someone's criminal history, including whether the individual was found guilty of a crime. The records include everything from arrests to charges, convictions, and court sentences, and they are used to make decisions about a person's trustworthiness and eligibility for jobs, housing, or other purposes.

How Long Do Arrests Stay on Your Record?

In Brazos County, arrests generally remain on a person's record indefinitely unless the individual takes steps to seal or expunge the record.

Texas allows for the expunction or sealing of arrest records in certain situations, such as if charges were dismissed or the defendant was pardoned, acquitted, or otherwise found not guilty.

Expunge Brazos County Arrest Records

Expungement in Brazos County, or expunction, refers to the legal process of erasing or removing records of an arrest or criminal charge from public view. This process is specifically governed by Chapter 55 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure.

The following conditions generally apply to be eligible for expungement in Brazos County.

  • No Conviction: The arrest must not have resulted in a conviction, including cases where charges were dismissed or where the party [the defendant] was acquitted or pardoned.
  • Waiting Period: There is often a waiting period before an arrest record can be expunged. For cases where charges were dismissed, this waiting period is typically:
    • Class C misdemeanors (minor offenses): 180 days
    • Class A and B misdemeanors: 1 year
    • Felonies: 3 years
  • No Pending Charges: There should be no pending charges or active criminal investigations related to the arrest.

The process for expungement in Brazos County generally involves the following.

Obtain Eligibility Confirmation: One must determine if they are eligible for expungement. This often involves reviewing court records and discussing them with an attorney.

File Petition for Expunction: File an expungement petition with the presiding court. The petition must generally include:

  • The defendant's name and other personal information.
  • Details of the arrest, including the date and location.
  • Case number and court information.
  • Reasons one is eligible for expungement (e.g., dismissal of charges).

Serve Notice: The notice of the expungement petition should be served on relevant parties, such as the district attorney's office and the arresting law enforcement agency. This allows them to file an objection if necessary.

Attend Hearing (If Required): Depending on the circumstances, a hearing may be scheduled where the defendant or their attorney presents arguments for why the expungement should be approved.

If the court grants the expungement, it will issue an order directing all agencies with the arrest records to expunge them.

In cases where expungement is not possible, sealing of records may be an alternative. Sealing (formally called nondisclosure) restricts access to records; it does not erase them like an expungement. More information about nondisclosure orders is available on the Texas Judicary's website.

Brazos County Arrest Warrants

A Brazos County arrest warrant is a legal document issued by a magistrate or judge per the Code of Criminal Procedure, Chapter 15. It commands law enforcement officers to arrest a specific individual for an offense.

To issue an arrest warrant in Brazos County, a magistrate must review an affidavit submitted by a police officer or prosecutor. This affidavit must present credible evidence (demonstrate probable cause) that the named person committed a crime. Probable cause is determined when there is a reasonable belief, based on factual evidence, that a crime has been committed and the individual named in the warrant is responsible.

Any Brazos arrest warrant must be issued in the name of "The State of Texas" and include essential details such as the accused person's name or a sufficient description to identify them, the specific offense they are charged with, and the signature of the issuing magistrate. These details ensure clarity and legitimacy in the warrant's execution.

Arrest warrants in Brazos County are typically issued under several circumstances. They are commonly used when substantial evidence links an individual to a criminal offense. However, warrants may be issued if someone fails to appear in court as required by a legal summons or violates a court order, such as a condition of probation.

Any peace officer within Texas has the authority to execute an arrest warrant released in Brazos. This means they can arrest the individual named in the warrant at any location within the state's jurisdiction, regardless of the time of day or night. Law enforcement officers must follow established procedures during the arrest, including informing the individual of their rights, commonly called Miranda rights.

Brazos County Arrest Warrant Search

Individuals can use these methods to find active arrest warrants in Brazos County:

  • Contact Brazos County Sheriff's Office: The Brazos County Sheriff's Office maintains warrant records within the county and can provide information about active arrest warrants. The primary way to inquire about one's warrant status is to contact the office directly, either by phone or by visiting during regular business hours.
  • Visit the Brazos County Courthouse: Another option to find outstanding arrest warrants is to visit the Brazos County Courthouse or check with the court where the case was filed. Individuals can speak with court clerks at the courthouse or visit the records department to inquire about active warrants.

Do Brazos County Arrest Warrants Expire?

No. Once issued by a judge or magistrate in Brazos County, arrest warrants do not expire. Instead, they remain active until executed by law enforcement officers. As a result, anyone named in an arrest warrant remains subject to arrest at any time until the warrant is resolved.

Nonetheless, if new evidence emerges that clears the accused, the charges are dropped, or the individual voluntarily appears in court, the warrant may be recalled or quashed by the issuing court.

  • Criminal Records
  • Arrests Records
  • Warrants
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