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Texas Court Records

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Comal County Arrest Records

Arrest records provide details of an individual’s detention, apprehension, or questioning by law enforcement agents. Arrests are executed to fulfill arrest warrants, which are judicial orders signed by a judge and addressed to a law enforcement agency to arrest a named individual and bring him before the court to answer for a crime or offense. These records contain information such as the named individual’s details and physical description, the arresting officer’s information, the time, place, and arrest date, and the alleged crimes. Arrest records form part of public records maintained by governmental agencies and are generally accessible to the public under Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code. They are held by law enforcement agencies and may be featured within Comal Court Records.

Are Arrest Records Public in Comal County?

Yes, arrest records are public records in Comal County. These records are part of records held by governmental agencies, which makes them open and accessible to the public. The Texas Public Information Act describes public records and the exemptions that form records to be classified or sealed.

Members of the public can access arrest records by approaching the records department of the District Court or Sheriff’s office between 8 am and 5 pm on work days to make physical requests. The Records Search website provides remote access to court records and jail records, while the Public Information Office website provides access to county records, including police and arrest records. Accessing arrest records will cost a fee charged based on the mode of request or nature of the records requested. There may also be a requirement for identity verification using a valid ID.

What Do Public Arrest Records Contain?

Public arrest records contain the details of arrests to the extent that they don't breach any exemption laws. The Texas Public Information Act gives exemptions, which are information and details that must not be included in public records. Such information will be removed or sealed if part of public records. Here are the contents of an arrest record:

  • The details of the arresting officer’
  • The arrestee's booking information, such as fingerprints, booking number, and mugshot, is also included.
  • The alleged crimes and the relevant laws.
  • The bail and bond conditions.
  • The arrestee’s details, such as full name, height, gender, address, and age.

Comal County Crime Rate

The FBI UCR platform has the Comal County crime rate data for the year 2022. The data reveals that there were 116 violent crimes and 787 property crimes reported within the year. The highest violent crime recorded was aggravated assault, with 80 incidents. Other violent crimes recorded include 32 rape incidents, three robbery incidents, and one homicide incident. The highest reported property crime was larceny-theft, with 492 reports, followed by burglary with 212 incidents. Other property crimes reported include motor vehicle theft with 82 incidents and arson with one incident.

Comal County Arrest Statistics

Comal County arrest statistics, as presented by the FBI UCR database, reveal that, in 2022, there were 32 arrests for aggravated assault and 100 arrests for simple assault. There was one arrest for robbery and no arrest for rape. Property crimes arrests reveal that there were 11 arrests for larceny-theft, nine arrests for burglary, and one arrest for motor vehicle theft. The county recorded no arrest for arson within this period.

Find Comal County Arrest Records

Comal County arrest records are available through the governmental agencies in charge of maintaining them. The local sheriff’s office and the courts maintain arrest records in different ways. The courts maintain arrest details in criminal court records while also maintaining records of bench warrants issued by the court. Similarly, the local sheriff’s office maintains records of arrests done by its officers.

During business days, the sheriff’s office and the District Court are open for physical records searches between 8 am and 5 pm. Members of the public who cannot do physical searches may use the Records Search website to access various county records such as Criminal Case Records, Jail Records, and Jail Bond Records. The District Clerk’s Office gives access to the District Clerk’s official contact details and more information, as well as accessing court records to search for arrest warrant records. The county government has a Public Information Office through which public information requests can be filed for various types of records, including police records, arrest records, and accident reports. Requesters must note that accessing arrest records will require payment of the charged fee and presenting a valid ID if required by the custodian.

Free Arrest Record Search in Comal County

Arrest records are available to the public for a fee charged in accordance with the provisions of the Texas Public Information Act. The fees charged can vary depending on the mode of records requested or the nature of records sought. Arrest records can be obtained for free from the sheriff’s office or the courts, where the requester is eligible for a fee waiver. Another way of obtaining free arrest records is through third-party websites.

There are third-party websites that offer various public records for free. Such websites typically do not require ID verification, which makes it easier and faster to access and obtain arrest records. The public can simply google the type of records they want to pick from the non government website options. Note that the records from third-party websites can be less accurate than governmental records. Thus, frequent confirmation of details obtained from third-party websites using governmental sources was advised.

Get Comal County Criminal Records

Comal County criminal records are details and information on an individual’s arrests, convictions, and incarcerations within the county. These records detail a person’s history of crime. According to the Texas Public Information Act, criminal records are public records accessible to members of the public. They contain information such as arrest records, criminal court records, and jail records. Criminal records are maintained by the courts, law enforcement agencies, and correctional facilities. The law enforcement agencies maintain arrest records and county jail records.

The Sheriff’s Office is the primary custodian of arrest records, while correctional facilities maintain records of inmates. Criminal records are available through Comal County District Court. The public can obtain criminal court records through the District Court’s clerk. These governmental agencies are open to the public during work hours on weekdays for physical records requests. There are websites for members of the public to remotely access these criminal records. The District Clerk’s Office website provides access to the District Court’s clerk to mail in records requests, while the Records Search platform provides access to various county records. Note that criminal records are made available to the public for a fee, and a valid ID is usually required.

Comal County Arrest Records Vs. Criminal Records

Criminal records refer to an individual’s details of arrests, convictions, and incarcerations. These records cover the individual’s arrest, the court trial process, the court’s judgment, and the sentence given. Arrest records, on the other hand, are limited to the details of how and why law enforcement apprehended the individual. Criminal records contain criminal court records, arrest records, and correctional facilities records, while arrest records contain only arrest information.

How Long Do Arrests Stay on Your Record?

Generally, arrests stay on your records indefinitely unless you take legal steps to seal them or have them removed. The legal process to seal your arrests in your records is called expungement, and there are certain conditions to meet for eligibility. After meeting the requirements, you will file a petition to prove why the arrests must be expunged from your records. Expungement of arrests from your records will take effect after the court views an order for it. You can obtain your records from the relevant governmental agencies to confirm the expungement.

Expunge Comal County Arrest Records

Comal County laws allow individuals to seal or expunge arrests from their records. The legal process of sealing arrests on your records is called expungement, and it requires certain conditions for individuals to be eligible. These conditions include:

  • You must’ve been acquitted of all charges, or there was a dismissal without a conviction.
  • You must not be a felony convict from the same arrest.
  • The waiting period must be satisfied. For example, 180 days for Class C misdemeanors, one year for Class A and B misdemeanors, and three years for felonies, according to Article 55.01(a) Texas Code of Criminal Procedure (CCP).
  • There must be no pending charges at the time of filing the petition.
  • You proved your innocence or got a pardon.
  • You are a juvenile who has reached 18 years of age and has no subsequent convictions. The offense for the arrest must also not be a serious felony.

After your eligibility is confirmed, you may need to assemble all documents to support your petition and file your petition. Serve the documents to the proper parties and wait for your trial date. There will be a court process involving a trial which you must be present for. Following an order from the court, you can confirm the expungement from your records by inspecting your criminal records with the relevant governmental agencies.

Comal County Arrest Warrants

Arrest warrants are judicial orders to law enforcement officers to arrest a named individual and bring him/her before the court for trial. These warrants can be in two forms: an arrest warrant to bring an individual before a court and a bench warrant to arrest an individual who refused to appear before the court. Arrest warrants are public records and must be made accessible by law enforcement agencies and courts where they are maintained. Arrest warrants in the court records can be found in the archives of active bench warrants, while law enforcement agencies such as police departments and sheriff’s offices will maintain arrest warrant records. These warrants will remain active until the named individual is apprehended and appears before a court. All arrest warrants become authoritative after the issuing judge signs them, and they’re issued when there’s probable cause to have the individual questioned during investigations or arrested after finding guilty. The contents of arrest warrants will include the following:

  • The alleged crimes and the law prescribing them.
  • The individual’s physical description and personal information.
  • The arrest time, location, and date.
  • The arresting officer’s information.

Comal County Arrest Warrant Search

Comal County arrest warrants are available to the public. Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code mandates governmental institutions to provide access to their records and archives. Arrest records are maintained by the courts and law enforcement agencies, which are governmental agencies. The courts maintain the criminal court records under which arrest details are expressed during arraignment.

Law enforcement agencies such as the police departments and the sheriff’s office maintain records of arrests executed by their agents or members of the public. The Comal County Sheriff’s Office is the primary custodian of arrest records. The public can approach the District Court Clerk’s Office for physical records search for active bench warrants. The District Clerk’s Office also provides remote access to the county judicial records for an active warrant search. The Sheriff’s office is open to the public between 8 am to 5 pm on weekdays for physical requests. There is a Records Search website that allows the public to search for county records, including active warrants, without going to the office.

Do Comal County Arrest Warrants Expire?

Generally, Comal County arrest warrants do not expire until the arresting officers execute them or the court withdraws or recalls them. Arrest warrants will remain active whether it is a bench warrant or arrest warrant.

  • Criminal Records
  • Arrests Records
  • Warrants
  • Driving Violations
  • Inmate Records
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