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Texas Court Records

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Lubbock County Arrest Records

Arrests in Lubbock County occur when law enforcement officers have sufficient evidence to suspect someone of committing a crime. This includes scenarios such as an immediate threat to public safety, evidence preservation, and flight risk. Inmates are typically held at the Lubbock County Detention Center, managed by the Lubbock County Sheriff's Office. This facility handles intake and pre-trial detention, as well as custody of sentenced persons. The Lubbock County Sheriff's Office generates and maintains county arrest records. These records include personal details, arrest specifics, incident descriptions, and evidence information.

Arrest records are part of broader public records, linked to Lubbock County court records, criminal histories maintained by the Texas Department of Public Safety, and correctional records.

Are Arrest Records Public in Lubbock County?

Yes, arrest records are generally public under the Texas Government Code, Chapter 552). According to Sec. 552.002, "public information" includes information written, produced, collected, assembled, or maintained under a law in connection with the transaction of official business by or for an official body. This makes most arrest records accessible to the public.

Also, Sec. 552.0035 specifies that access to information collected, assembled, or preserved by or for the judiciary is governed by rules acquired by the Supreme Court of Texas or other applicable laws and rules.

However, certain records are exempt from public disclosure unless specific statutory conditions are met:

  • Sensitive information that may endanger witnesses
  • Information about ongoing investigations
  • Medical records
  • Trade secrets
  • Personnel information
  • Records of individual members, annuitants, retirees, beneficiaries, alternate payees, program participants, or persons eligible for benefits from a retirement system under a retirement plan or program administered by the retirement system

While some arrest records might not be available for general public viewing in Lubbock County, specific individuals are eligible for access. These individuals may include the person in question (the arrestee), the suspect's legal representative, and government agencies for official use. It's crucial to emphasize that access is granted based on specific legal criteria, ensuring privacy and confidentiality for all parties involved while supporting essential legal procedures.

What Do Public Arrest Records Contain?

Per the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Title 1, Chapter 66, a Lubbock County arrest record must show the following information:

  • The name of the offender.
  • The state identification number assigned to the offender.
  • The law enforcement agency that made the arrest.
  • The charge of arrest (identified by offense code and incident number).
  • Designation of the charge as either a misdemeanor or a felony.
  • The date when the arrest occurred.

For offenders released on bail, whether a warrant was issued for failure to show up in court afterward.

  • The case's final disposition by the law enforcement agency after the arrest.
  • The date when the law enforcement agency resolved the case.

Lubbock County Crime Rate

According to the Texas Department of Public Safety crime data for 2022, Lubbock County, with a population of 316,856, reported a total of 15,017 crimes. Property crimes were the most prevalent, comprising 79% (12,041) of the total reported crimes, while violent crimes accounted for 21% (2,976).

In the property crimes category, larceny-theft was the most common offense, accounting for 68% (8,159) of property crimes. Burglary followed with 21% (2,489), and motor vehicle theft accounted for 12% (1,393).

Among violent crimes, aggravated assault was the leading offense, constituting 76% (2,251) of violent crime incidents. Rape represented 11% (330). Robbery made up 12% (368). Additionally, there were 27 reported cases of murder.

These statistics highlight the significant impact of larceny-theft and aggravated assault on the overall crime landscape in Lubbock County for 2022.

Lubbock County Arrest Statistics

The Texas Department of Public Safety crime data for 2022 shows Lubbock County law enforcement made 1,446 arrests. These included 436 violent crime arrests (30% of total arrests) and 1010 property crime arrests (70%). Arrests for violent crime included murder 3 (0.2%), rape 10 (0.7%), robbery 42 (2.9%), assault 381 (26.3%). Arrests for property crimes included burglary 159 (11%), larceny theft 683 (47.2%), and motor vehicle theft 168 (11.6%).

This data reveals that property crimes led to most arrests in Lubbock County, with larceny-theft being the most common cause of arrest, representing nearly half of all arrests. Violent crime arrests were predominantly for assault, which accounted for over a quarter of the total arrests.

Find Lubbock County Arrest Records

Various law enforcement agencies, including the Lubbock County Sheriff's Office and occasionally state or federal agencies, make arrests in Lubbock County. To get arrest records from the Sheriff's Office, interested persons may contact the records division to inquire about accessing the records/inmate location. Alternatively, use the jail search tool on the Sheriff's Office website.

For state agency arrests carried out in Lubbock County, use the offender information search tool by the Texas Department of Corrections. Similarly, for federal arrests, interested parties may use the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) 's Inmate Locator to find offender information by name or identification number.

Free Arrest Record Search in Lubbock County

Interested individuals can request arrest records at local police agencies free of charge under the Texas Public Information Act. Alternatively, Lubbock County arrest records are accessible through the Lubbock County Sheriff's Office inmate search portal.

Meanwhile, third-party websites also provide arrest information. These sites compile data from various public records and may offer more comprehensive search options. However, free searches are typically limited to basic arrest information. Accessing comprehensive arrest information often requires paying a one-time or subscription fee. The subscription fee may be more cost-effective if finding arrest records on several people.

Get Lubbock County Criminal Records

A criminal record is a formal account of an individual's criminal history, documenting arrests, charges, convictions, and sentences. It is maintained by law enforcement agencies and courts.

Persons who want to get criminal history records in Lubbock County should note that Texas law only permits the release of these to the record subject (Texas Government Code Section 411.083). Third parties must obtain the subject's consent.

To obtain criminal records, perform a name-based Criminal History Conviction Search with the Texas Department of Public Safety. Searchers must create an account to access the database. This service offers a comprehensive and accessible way to access criminal history records for all counties in Texas. Search fees may apply.

Lubbock County Arrest Records Vs. Criminal Records

In Lubbock County, Texas, arrest and criminal records functions are distinct. An arrest record provides information about the arrest, excluding any details of a crime conviction. It is established when an individual is detained. Conversely, a criminal record is a comprehensive compilation of an individual's interactions with law enforcement and the judicial system. It encompasses arrest warrants, police arrest reports, court documents, and the results of court proceedings. If an individual is declared guilty or admits guilt, this data is recorded in their criminal record. However, if an individual is acquitted, they will merely have an arrest record in the system.

How Long Do Arrests Stay on Your Record?

Indefinitely. Arrests in Texas, including those within Lubbock County, can persist on records unless they undergo expungement or sealing procedures through legal channels.

Expunge Lubbock County Arrest Records

Chapter 55, Texas Code of Criminal Procedure indicates that an individual can seek to have their arrest records expunged in Lubbock County if:

  • The individual was acquitted by the trial court.
  • The individual was convicted but subsequently pardoned for reasons other than actual innocence or was pardoned or granted relief based on actual innocence, as indicated in the pardon or court order.
  • The individual was convicted of an offense under Section 46.02(a), Penal Code, committed before September 1, 2021.
  • The individual was released, and the charge did not conclude in a final conviction, is no longer unsettled, and there was no court-ordered community supervision under Chapter 42A, except for Class C misdemeanors. Additionally, no indictment or information was presented following the arrest, and specific periods have elapsed since the date of arrest (at least 180 days for Class C misdemeanors, at least one year for Class B or A misdemeanors, and at least three years for felonies).
  • Prosecution is no longer feasible because the statute of limitations has expired.

Notably, arrests made following warrants issued under Article 42A.751(b) are not eligible for expunction. Individuals who abscond from jurisdiction after release do not qualify for expunction.

To have records expunged under Chapter 55 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, eligible individuals should follow these steps:

  • File a petition for expungement: The acquitted person or the state's attorney (with the acquitted person's consent) can request the expungement.
  • Attend court hearing: The trial court that acquitted the person, whether it is a district court, justice court, municipal court of record, or a district court in the same county, must issue the expungement order.
  • Order Preparation: If the acquitted party has a lawyer, that lawyer prepares the expungement order for the court to sign. The state's attorney prepares the order if the person does not have a lawyer. This order is issued to all criminal justice agencies that maintain records of the arrest.

Lubbock County Arrest Warrants

An arrest warrant in Lubbock County, Texas, is a document issued by a judge or magistrate that allows law enforcement to arrest an individual. These warrants are discharged based on probable cause, indicating sufficient evidence that a person committed a crime. Circumstances necessitating issuance include failure to appear in court, ongoing criminal investigations, or suspicion of a crime.

The Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Chapter 15 specifies the requisites of a warrant. It must include the name of the person to be arrested or a reasonably definite description if the name is unknown. The warrant must state the offense the person is accused of, naming the specific offense, and be signed by the magistrate, with the magistrate's office in the body of the warrant or in connection with the signature.

When executing a warrant, the officer must promptly take the person before the issuing magistrate or, if in the same county, the magistrate named in the warrant. If the magistrate is in another county, the arrested person must be taken before a local magistrate immediately (Article 15.16). Meanwhile, Article 15.17 allows the arrested individual to be brought before a magistrate in a different county to receive the necessary warnings to expedite the process. These requirements ensure the warrant is legally sufficient and enforceable while protecting the individual's rights.

Lubbock County Arrest Warrant Search

To find active warrants in Lubbock County, Texas, interested parties should contact the Sheriff's Office Warrants Division by calling (806) 775-1422. Note that active arrest warrants are only available to the warrant subject or their attorney upon identity verification. Executed arrest warrants are presumably public unless their release compromises the integrity of a criminal justice process.

Do Lubbock County Arrest Warrants Expire?

No. In Lubbock County, arrest warrants generally do not expire until the individual is apprehended or the court rescinds the warrant. Factors like changes in the statute of limitations for the alleged offense or court orders can affect validity. Per the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure Article 12.01, the statute of limitations outlines timeframes for prosecuting specific crimes, impacting whether a warrant remains enforceable. If the statute of limitations expires, the warrant may no longer be valid, ensuring legal actions comply with designated timeframes for prosecuting offenses.

  • Criminal Records
  • Arrests Records
  • Warrants
  • Driving Violations
  • Inmate Records
  • Felonies
  • Misdemeanors
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  • Civil Judgements
  • Federal Dockets
  • Probate Records
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  • Death Records
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