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Texas Court Records

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Nueces County Arrest Records

In Nueces County, Texas, an arrest happens when an officer takes a person into custody. Arrests typically occur when law enforcement has probable cause to believe the person committed a crime or is suspected of an offense. During an arrest, officers detain a person and collect relevant information in preparation for arraignment. Such information may include:

  • The full name.
  • Date of birth of the person arrested.
  • Type of offense.
  • The exact date of the arrest.

This information makes up the arrest record, and one may find it in Nueces County court records.

Are Arrest Records Public in Nueces County?

Yes. The Texas Public Information Act grants the public the right to access arrest records kept by the state, county, and authorized agencies. Requesters do not need a reason for obtaining these public records. However, there are some restrictions to accessing arrest records. For example, documents sealed or expunged by court order are confidential and, therefore, restricted from public access. Moreover, information that may hinder the investigation or prosecution of a crime if released is exempt from disclosure. Such information may include:

  • Juvenile identification details
  • Medical or similar health reports
  • Information that may compromise active criminal investigation
  • Information that may endanger one's safety (contact number or home address).

Nevertheless, specific individuals may access arrest records that are not public. These include the record subject, their representing attorney, authorized law enforcement agents, and public service employers.

What Do Public Arrest Records Contain?

In Nueces County, the information contained in a typical public arrest record includes:

  • The subject's full name
  • The subject’s date of birth, gender, and race
  • Physical description (height, weight, body markings, etc.)
  • A complete set of fingerprints from the subject
  • Arrest details (date, time, location)
  • The subject's photo (mugshot)
  • The charges
  • Arrest history and any outstanding warrants for arrests.

Nueces County Crime Rate

The Texas Department of Public Safety publishes crime statistics in its Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program. In 2023, Nueces County law enforcement recorded 21,864 offenses for index crimes, including murder (22), manslaughter (3), rape (274), robbery (372), assault (10,468), burglary (1,861), larceny (7,752), motor vehicle theft (1,107), and human trafficking (5).

Between 2022 and 2023, the crime rate in Nueces County increased by 7.6%. The change in index crimes was murder (-47.62%), manslaughter (+50), rape (-3.18%), robbery (3.62%), assault (16.19%), burglary (5.68%), larceny (-2.52%), motor vehicle theft (23.41%), and human trafficking (-16.67%).

Nueces County Arrest Statistics

The Texas Department of Public Safety also publishes index crime and arrest statistics by agency and county. In 2022, Nueces County law enforcement agencies reported 1712 arrests for index crimes, including murder (8), rape (12), robbery (94), assault (455), burglary (110), larceny (916), and auto theft (117). Between 2021 and 2022, total arrests increased by 6%. Arrests for index crimes increased for rape (+9.1%), burglary (+13.4%), and larceny (+15.1%), while arrests decreased for robbery (-12.1%), assault (-3.8%), and auto theft (-0.85%).

Find Nueces County Arrest Records

Information about recently arrested persons in Nueces County is available online through the inmate locator tool maintained by the County Sheriff’s Office. This tool requires the requester to provide information such as the inmate's name or ID. After submitting the query, the tool will display results, including the inmate's location, booking number, charges, and other relevant details.

Alternatively, visit the Sheriff’s Office in person during business hours to obtain detailed arrest records.

Nueces County Sheriff's Office
901 Leopard Street
Corpus Christi, TX 78401

Several federal or state agencies may conduct an arrest in Nueces County. The Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) provides an inmate locator on the website. This tool allows individuals to conduct an online inmate search for information on persons in custody for felony crimes. Similarly, the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) provides an inmate search tool for searchers to find information on inmates held in federal prisons.

Free Arrest Record Search in Nueces County

Some agencies provide online request centers or search tools to obtain arrest information at no cost. For example, the Nueces County Sheriff's Department's Inmate search tool updates arrest information about inmates in the county jail facility.

Another way to search for arrest records in Nueces County is a third-party record database. Because these sources are not restricted by location, it makes it convenient to obtain arrest records in Nueces County and other jurisdictions. However, these third-party repositories are not affiliated with the government. Hence, there is no guarantee of the currency or accuracy of the records obtained.

Get Nueces County Criminal Records

The Texas Department of Public Safety provides information on individuals with criminal history online through a Computerized Criminal History System (CCH). However, the information in CCH is only public if a conviction or probation is in the department's records on an offense.

One can obtain criminal history information using the Criminal History Conviction Name Search tool, but must first create a CRS public website account. The name search will require the requester to provide an email address/user ID or password. There is no fee to use the database.

Nueces County Arrest Records Vs. Criminal Records

Arrest records contain details of a person's arrest, the charges involved, and the crime details. This information is usually stored on file by law enforcement agencies and particular administrative institutions. If a person is not found guilty, it will only be filed as an arrest record.

On the other hand, a criminal record is a comprehensive collection of information on a person's contact with law enforcement and the court system in the county. It may include arrest warrants, court records, police arrest reports, incident reports, and outcomes of court cases. If a person pleads guilty to a criminal charge or is found guilty by a jury, it will be stored in their criminal record.

How Long Do Arrests Stay on Your Record?

Indefinitely. In Nueces County, an arrest or criminal charge may remain on a person's criminal history record unless sealed or expunged. Arrests often remain on record even if the charges were dismissed, the suspect was found not guilty or completed deferred adjudication. The only way to permanently clear an arrest from the record is to file a petition to seal or expunge the incident from the record.

Expunge Nueces County Arrest Records

Under Article 55 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, an expunction is a process that orders law enforcement agencies to remove, destroy, or erase arrest records. Some persons do not qualify for record expunction in Nueces County. For instance:

  • A person who is convicted of any offense or is placed on community supervision for an offense other than a Class C misdemeanor is not eligible for expunction.
  • A person is also not eligible for expunction if the arrest relates to a probation violation warrant or if the person takes off a jurisdiction after being released on bond.

Arrest records eligible for expunction include:

  • An arrest for a crime that was never charged or a criminal charge that was ultimately dismissed.
  • The arrest of a person is not charged if a case is not filed and there is no felony offense arising out of the same transaction for which the person was arrested.
  • Arrest of a person who is never formally charged, regardless of whether the statute of limitations has expired.
  • Arrest, charge, or conviction on a person's record due to identity theft by another individual who was arrested, charged, or convicted of the crime.

To expunge a criminal record, file a Petition for Expunction with the District Clerk's Office requesting that the court grant an Order for Expunction. A petitioner may prepare and file the petition with the assistance of a licensed attorney.

The petition may include the following:

  • Personal identification information of the petitioner
  • The offense charged
  • Date of the arrest: the alleged offense occurred
  • Name of the arresting agency and other agencies that may have a record of the arrest.
  • Blank “notice of hearing,” so the court can set a hearing on the issue.

In cases where the offense was charged, the petition should contain the following:

  • Name of the court handling the case
  • The cause number for the case
  • How the charge was dismissed or not acquitted
  • The date the charge was resolved.

All petitions must be filed with the court, after which the court will schedule a hearing and send notice of the hearing to the agency in charge. If the petitioner meets all requirements, the court will grant the expunction, and the petitioner must present it to the court for the judge's signature. The signed order must then be submitted to all agencies in custody of the records related to the expunged offense. Following the Order for Expunction, the records will be deleted or returned to the Court Clerk's Office.

If expunction is not possible due to the nature of the offense, charge, or conviction, an individual may obtain an Order for Nondisclosure. A nondisclosure order does not destroy any records of an offense but will limit the accessibility of the record.

Nueces County Arrest Warrants

According to Article 15.01 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure Act, an arrest warrant is a written order from a magistrate ordering a peace officer to take a suspect into custody for an offense. The Municipal Court Judge may also issue a warrant for defendants who:

  • Are not in compliance with a court order.
  • Do not obey the order to make an initial appearance to answer the charge filed against them
  • Do not appear for an assigned court date.

A typical arrest warrant must contain the following information:

  • The name of the person to be arrested, if known (including any recent changes if applicable)
  • The time, date, and place of the crime
  • Sufficient statements for suspecting the individual committed the offense.

Nueces County Arrest Warrant Search

Individuals may visit the Nueces County Sheriff's Department to submit an inquiry for active warrants in person. However, warrant information is only available to the warrant subject and their attorney upon identity verification. In-person requests may be risky as the requester may be arrested, especially if they are the warrant subject.

Do Nueces County Arrest Warrants Expire?

In Nueces County, a warrant does not expire until it is resolved. Warrants are resolved when the suspect or offender is arrested or posts a bond to guarantee a court appearance. Such cases may require a lawyer to settle with the judge in addressing the issues that led to a warrant. The lawyer may also assist in arranging a new bond or reinstate an original one.

  • Criminal Records
  • Arrests Records
  • Warrants
  • Driving Violations
  • Inmate Records
  • Felonies
  • Misdemeanors
  • Bankruptcies
  • Tax & Property Liens
  • Civil Judgements
  • Federal Dockets
  • Probate Records
  • Marriage Records
  • Divorce Records
  • Death Records
  • Property Records
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  • Business Ownership
  • Professional Licenses
  • And More!