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Texas Court Records

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Dallas County Arrest Records

Arrests in Dallas County are typically necessary when an individual is suspected of committing a crime or is caught breaking the law. Law enforcement officers can make arrests based on probable cause, such as witnessing a crime or having sufficient evidence to believe that a person has committed a crime. Additionally, arrests can be made when a judge issues a warrant, often following an investigation that has established probable cause.

Once an arrest is made in Dallas County, the arrested individual is usually taken to a detention facility for processing, which includes fingerprinting, photographing, and recording the suspect's personal information. The primary location for holding inmates in Dallas County is the Dallas County Jail, which consists of several facilities, including the Lew Sterrett Justice Center. The jail is managed by the Dallas County Sheriff's Department.

Arrest records reveal the circumstances of an arrest, including the suspect, offense, and arrest details. These records are essential for the criminal justice process, providing critical information for law enforcement, courts, prosecutors, and legal representatives.

Arrest records in Dallas County are closely linked to a few other public records, particularly Dallas County court records. When an arrest leads to formal charges, the details proceed to the court system. County court records will include information about the case's progression, including arraignments, hearings, trials, and outcomes.

Are Arrest Records Public in Dallas County?

Yes. Under the Texas Public Information Act, arrest records in Dallas County are generally considered public and are accessible to everyone. However, some information may be exempt from disclosure to protect privacy or the integrity of ongoing investigations. Exemptions typically include:

Juvenile Records: Arrest records involving minors are not publicly accessible to protect the privacy of juveniles.

Ongoing Investigations: Details of arrests in an active criminal investigation are withheld to avoid compromising the investigation.

Confidential Informants: Information that could identify confidential informants or jeopardize their safety is exempt from disclosure.

Personal Information: Sensitive personal information such as Social Security numbers, medical information, and other data that could result in identity theft or privacy violations is not disclosed.

What Do Public Arrest Records Contain?

To access public arrest records in Dallas County, inquirers typically need to submit a formal request to the appropriate law enforcement agency, such as the Dallas County Sheriff's Department or the relevant arresting police department. Requests must comply with the provisions of the Texas Public Information Act, which can include providing specific details about the records sought to facilitate the search process.

Public arrest records in Dallas County provide a detailed account of the arrest and information about the individual involved while ensuring that certain sensitive details are protected. These records show personal information about the arrested individual, such as their full name, age, gender, and race.

These records also include details from the arrest, including the date and time of the arrest, the location where the arrest occurred, and the reason for the arrest. The record also notes the arresting officer's name, badge number, and any case or report number associated with the incident.

Arrest records also include booking information, including the date and time an individual was booked into a detention facility, the booking photo (commonly known as a "mugshot"), the booking number, and the name of the detention facility where the individual is held.

In terms of charges, public arrest records detail the specific offense(s) an individual is accused of, including their classification (misdemeanors or felonies) and the corresponding statute codes.

Requesters can also find bail/bond information, such as the amount of bail set (if applicable), whether bail was posted, and any conditions of release. Other details that may be included are basic court information, such as the initial court date and location, and outstanding warrants.

Dallas County Crime Rate

According to the Texas Uniform Crime Reporting System, the crime rate in Dallas County was 4,727.3 per 100,000 population in 2023. The crime counts by offense for 2023 were as follows:

  • Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter: 308 incidents
  • Manslaughter by negligence: 35 incidents
  • Rape: 1,039 incidents
  • Robbery: 2,892 incidents
  • Assault: 43,553 incidents
  • Burglary- 10,182 occurrences
  • Larceny-theft- 53,274 incidents
  • Motor vehicle theft: 26,452 incidents
  • Human trafficking: 62 incidents

These statistics highlight that, as of 2023, the most common crimes in Dallas County were larceny-theft, assault, and motor vehicle theft, with significant numbers also reported for burglary and robbery.

Dallas County Arrest Statistics

According to the Texas Crime Report for 2022, there were 8,881 arrests in Dallas County, compared to the 8,559 arrests reported in 2021. The numbers indicate a slight increase in arrests, with 322 more arrests made in 2022 than the previous year.

Find Dallas County Arrest Records

Inquirers may find Dallas County arrest records through the Dallas County Sheriff's Department website. This website features an inmate search tool that allows users to find individuals currently held in Dallas County jails. Users can input the required details, such as an inmate's full name or booking number, to retrieve arrest records.

Those searching for individuals in federal facilities such as prisons or detention centers may use the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) inmate locator tool. The platform can be searched using a person's name or registration number.

Free Arrest Record Search in Dallas County

Suppose someone is looking for a free avenue to search for arrest records in Dallas County. In that case, they can contact the Dallas County Sheriff's Department or access their Jail Lookup System for recent arrests and current inmates.

In addition, several third-party websites offer free arrest record searches online. These websites aggregate arrest data from various public sources, providing a convenient way to search for arrest information across multiple jurisdictions. However, it is important to approach third-party sites cautiously, as information may not always be as accurate as those from official sources.

Get Dallas County Criminal Records

Criminal records, often called criminal history, serve as formal records summarizing a person's encounters with the law enforcement system. These documents generally contain identifying details (like a person's name and birthdate), arrest information, and court case outcomes, including convictions and penalties. Such records are crucial for background verifications for jobs and licenses. Various criminal justice systems, including police departments, judicial bodies, and correctional facilities, compile and maintain criminal records.

Individuals requiring criminal records in Dallas County can generally go through two primary sources: law enforcement agencies and the courts.

Law Enforcement Agencies

  • Dallas County Sheriff's Department: To access criminal records through the sheriff's office, individuals must complete a request online. It is important to provide any pertinent details about the individual whose records one seeks. First-time users must create an account to request records online.

The Courts

  • Dallas County Clerk's Office: The Central Records Division of the Dallas County Clerk's Office maintains records of court proceedings, including criminal cases. Individuals can obtain criminal records in person or in writing at the address below:

John F. Warren, Dallas County Clerk
ATTN: Central Records
600 Commerce Street B-1
Dallas, TX 75202

A person can also send a request to dc.criminalrecords@dallascounty.org, which is the most recommended method.

Note that there is a flat rate of $1 per page for a copy, and if additional certification or exemplification is needed, a separate fee of $5 per case applies. Additionally, if the file is unusually large, individuals may be required to pay an additional certification fee. Diverse payment options, including cash, money orders, cashier's checks, business checks, or credit/debit cards, are available.

  • Dallas County District Clerk: To access criminal (felony) records from the District Clerk's office, requesters must submit a criminal records request form in person, by mail, or via email. Individuals can refer to the Records Information Office for more details about this process.

Dallas County Arrest Records Vs. Criminal Records

The distinction between arrest records and criminal records is subtle. Arrest records, for instance, provide a snapshot of a specific moment in time—when an individual was apprehended by law enforcement. The records include the arrest date and location and the charges that led to the arrest. However, they do not indicate whether a conviction was ultimately delivered. In other words, an arrest record does not necessarily imply guilt.

In contrast, criminal records offer a more comprehensive picture of an individual's interactions with the criminal justice system. These records detail every stage of the legal process, from the initial arrest to the case's outcome. This includes information on charges filed, court proceedings, convictions, sentences, and any subsequent legal actions that may have been taken.

How Long Do Arrests Stay on Your Record?

Arrests generally remain on a person's record indefinitely in Dallas County, as Texas state law does not automatically expunge or seal arrest records. Notwithstanding, individuals may petition for an expunction or an order of nondisclosure to limit public access to their arrest records. However, this relief is available under specific circumstances, such as if charges were dropped, the case dismissed, or the subject acquitted.

Expunge Dallas County Arrest Records

An expungement in Dallas County is a legal process that removes an eligible individual's arrest information from public records.

To be eligible for expunction in Dallas County, defendants must meet specific criteria outlined in the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Chapter 55. Generally, eligibility includes scenarios such as being acquitted by the court, receiving a pardon from the Governor of Texas or the President of the United States, not having charges filed with the statute of limitations expired, having charges dismissed with the statute of limitations expired, completing a pretrial diversion program, or being a victim of identity theft.

The process for expunging arrest records in Dallas County involves several steps. First, individuals must verify that their arrest meets the criteria for expunction as per Chapter 55. If eligible, they can then file for expunction at the district court in the county where the arrest occurred. The petition should include the petitioner's full name, sex, race, date of birth, driver's license number, social security number, details of the charge, arrest, the case number (if applicable), and a list of all law enforcement agencies, jails, and other entities that may have the records of the arrest.

Next, the petitioner must serve notice of the petition on all relevant agencies, including the arresting agency, the district attorney, and any other entities listed in the petition. A court date will then be scheduled for the judge to examine the petition and any objections from the notified agencies. The petitioner may need to present evidence supporting their eligibility for expunction. If the judge grants the expunction, the court will issue an order directing all relevant agencies to destroy or return all records relating to the arrest. These agencies must comply with the court order, either destroying or returning the records to the court and removing the records from all databases and files.

If an individual is not eligible for expunction, they may still be able to seal their records through an Order of Nondisclosure under the Texas Government Code, Chapter 411, Subchapter E-1. This process involves determining eligibility, which typically includes completing deferred adjudication probation and meeting other specific criteria, filing a petition for an order of nondisclosure to the court, and having the court review the petition. If the court grants the order, it prohibits public disclosure of the criminal record, though certain agencies and entities may still access it under specific conditions.

Dallas County Arrest Warrants

An arrest warrant is an official paper issued by a judge or magistrate authorizing police officers to arrest a person. While the fundamental purpose of arrest warrants remains consistent with other jurisdictions across the country, Texas law governs their issuance and execution in Dallas County.

Generally, when law enforcement agencies in Dallas County gather sufficient evidence to suspect an individual of involvement in a crime, they present their case to a judge or magistrate for review. The case is then scrutinized to determine if there is probable cause to believe the individual committed the alleged offense. Suppose the judge or magistrate is convinced of probable cause. In that case, they may issue an arrest warrant, granting legal authority for the individual's arrest (Texas Code of Criminal Procedure § 15.01).

Arrest warrants in Dallas County are issued under various circumstances, such as when an individual fails to appear in court, violates their terms of probation or parole, or is suspected of a crime based on credible evidence. Each warrant is tailored to the case's circumstances and must meet legal standards to ensure validity.

An arrest warrant in Dallas County typically contains essential information to guide law enforcement officers during apprehension. This includes the name of the person to be arrested (or a sufficient description), the alleged offense, the date of issuance, the jurisdiction of the issuing court (which would be Dallas County), the signature of the issuing authority, and any instructions or conditions for law enforcement regarding the execution of the arrest.

Dallas County Arrest Warrant Search

To perform a Dallas County arrest warrant search, individuals can start by contacting the Dallas County Sheriff's Office, the primary agency responsible for serving arrest warrants in the county. The Sheriff's Office can provide information over the phone at (214) 653-2700 or direct individuals to the appropriate department handling warrant inquiries.

Alternatively, individuals can utilize online resources the Dallas County government provides to access information about active warrants. Additionally, one may visit the local courthouse where the case is open to ascertain if a judge or magistrate issued a warrant.

By utilizing these methods, individuals can initiate a search to ascertain if there are any active warrants on them or anyone in Dallas County.

Do Dallas County Arrest Warrants Expire?

No. Arrest warrants issued in Dallas County do not have an inherent expiration date. Once issued by a judge or magistrate, these warrants remain active until they are executed by law enforcement or recalled by the issuing authority.

However, several factors can influence a warrant's status and potential expiration. One such factor is the statute of limitations for the underlying offense. In Texas, the statute of limitations prescribes a timeframe within which prosecutors must file criminal charges after a crime is committed. It may lose legal validity if this timeframe elapses before charges are filed or the warrant is executed.

Additionally, errors or irregularities in a warrant's issuance or execution can affect its validity. For instance, the court may deem it invalid if there are procedural violations or insufficient evidence to support the warrant.

  • Criminal Records
  • Arrests Records
  • Warrants
  • Driving Violations
  • Inmate Records
  • Felonies
  • Misdemeanors
  • Bankruptcies
  • Tax & Property Liens
  • Civil Judgements
  • Federal Dockets
  • Probate Records
  • Marriage Records
  • Divorce Records
  • Death Records
  • Property Records
  • Asset Records
  • Business Ownership
  • Professional Licenses
  • And More!